More on nazi medicine


Republic of Poland , 1942.
Dec. 10, 1942, address to the United Nations.
 below: quotes from Nazis on the Holocaust; more on Nazi medicine; Nazi nursing.
Ilse Hirsch (* 1922 in Hamm ;? †) was a German BDM leader.
 At the end of the war there were about 10,000 women in the female SS corps.
About 3,000 served in the camps, according to German historian
Kathrin Kompisch, Täterinnen – Frauen im Nationalsozialismus, Köln 2008, Women in the era of National Socialism.
The Nazi sisterhood formed in all parts of the Greater German Reich in state-approved medical and infant care training to young girls aged 18 to 28 years for the nurse profession. Von besonderer Bedeutung war der Dienst als Gemeindeschwester in den Gemeindepflegestationen, wo die Schwester Trägerin der nationalsozialistischen Wohlfahrtsarbeit war. Of particular importance was the service as a district nurse in community care units, where the sister carrier of the National Socialist Welfare was working.  The Free NSB sisterhood has been used increasingly in nursing.
It notes that some nurses resisted.
Maria Josepha rider (* December 23 1909 ; † July 28 1992 ), known as Mimi or Mizzi was in Berchtesgaden was born the daughter of the co-founder SPD tab. Sie hatte eine kurzfristige intime Beziehung mit Adolf Hitler . She had a short-term intimate relationship with Adolf Hitler.

Hitler führte sie im Vorbeigehen von der “einzigen Frau, die jemals mein Bruder geliebt hat”, sagte war das Verhältnis zwischen Adolf Hitler und Mary Fahrer von einer breiten Öffentlichkeit.
Albert Derichsweiler (* 6. Juli 1909 in Bad Niederbronn/Elsass; † 6. Januar 1997 in München) a result, he received many Albert Derichsweiler (born July 6, 1909 in bad Niederbronn/Alsace – January 6, 1997 in Munich) was a high-ranking Nazi student official in the NAZI era, including federal leader of the National Socialist German Student Association (NSDStB) from 1934 to 1936. After the war he became involved as a local and regional politician in the German party and the FDP.
Willi Werner Enke (* 6. März 1895 in St. Gallen; † 24. Dezember 1974 in Marburg) war ein deutscher Psychiater, Neurologe und Hochschullehrer, der zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus Direktor der Landesheil- und Pflegeanstalt Bernburg war.
In September 1940 the Service Director of the Kanzlei des Führers Viktor Brack informed Institute Director Enke, that the institution led by him for “National purposes” was intended. Enke itself was urged to comply with this request.[8] Finally the NS-Tötungsanstalt Bernburg was housed in a separate part of the country clinic, led by Irmfried Eberl.[9]
“Prof. Enke is taught fully with our campaign.” He faces our action in itself positive, but has a number of concerns. In particular, he believes that many patients of our action fall prey without having previously made an attempt to appropriate therapy. This, he comes to believe that, before a patient of our action falls prey, the edition should be made the concerned institution, in which the patient is located in cases where a therapy test offers even the slightest chance of success, to make such an attempt of therapy. “This view is to understand although medically, can not perform himself but within the framework of our action, why Prof. Enke looks at our action also with a certain caution.”-The head of the NS-Tötungsanstalt Bernburg Irmfried Eberl in its documents about December 1941 [10]
Enke, 1938 as associate professor at the University of Halle to habilitiert, was also the heritage health judge in Dessau.[4]
End of the war was Enke on 16 April 1945 by members of the US army arrested and in July 1945 by the American military administration in the American occupation zone.He was discharged in 1948 to Marburg [11] from the American internment to his family.[12] Enke promptly entered in the doctor’s Office of his wife, who had settled as a psychiatrist and neurologist in Marburg, Germany.[13] He became a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Confederation of hirnverletzter war 1948.[4] Against Enke was determined suspicion of involvement in euthanasia crimes act by the American military administration and the German public prosecutor’s Office, the investigation were discontinued until March 1950.[14] At the beginning of the 1960s, Enke was questioned about the operations of the NS-Tötungsanstalt established in the autumn of 1940 in a separate part of the country clinic in Bernburg, in which thousands of psychiatric patients and inmates were gassed. Enke played to have known something of the deliveries of the victims at the NS-Tötungsanstalt: “this should be done, today for the 1st time I hear.”[15]
After intercession by Werner Villinger, Enke was 1950 senior consultant at the Diakonisches institutions Hepatha in Treysa and served in this function until his retirement in 1963.[4] Then he helped with the development of Psychiatry in Delmenhorst. After a short heavy illness, Enke died in Marburg, Germany in 1974.
In September 1940 the Service Director of the Kanzlei des Führers Viktor Brack informed Institute Director Enke, that the institution led by him for “National purposes” was intended. Enke itself was urged to comply with this request.[8] Finally the NS-Tötungsanstalt Bernburg was housed in a separate part of the country clinic, led by Irmfried Eberl.[9]
Anna Katschenka (* 3. April 1905 in Wien; † 1. Februar 1966 in Wien) war eine österreichische Krankenschwester in der Kinderanstalt „Am Spiegelgrund“ und Beteiligte an der nationalsozialistischen Kinder-„Euthanasie“. Nurse.
head nurse Clara Bertha,The institution for children “am Spiegelgrund” was dissolved on June 30, 1945. The staff was taken over by the spa and Grafeneck “am Steinhof”. It is expected that more people in the killing of a total there perished 789 disabled children were involved in this; in total, about 90 people in the children’s euthanasia are involved. Some was investigated, deprived of law enforcement by flight: **Maria Bohlrath (born July 10, 1918, Kinderschwester), Erna Storch (born January 18, 1916, nurse), Emilie Kraguly (born September 4, 1914, nurse) and Klara Kleinschmittger (born August 23, 1909, nurse). These women were sought  for questioning until 1958, but could not be found.
Carl Eduard Herzog von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha (getauft als Leopold Charles Edward George Albert, * 19. Juli 1884 in Claremont House, Esher; † 6. März 1954 in Coburg) war von 1905 bis 1918 der letzte regierende Herzog von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha aus dem gleichnamigen Fürstenhaus. Geboren wurde der Enkel der Königin Viktoria des Vereinigten Königreiches von Großbritannien und Irland als Duke of Albany und Prinz von Großbritannien und Irland. Zwischen 1933 und 1945 war er unter anderem Präsident des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes und Obergruppenführer der SA sowie des NSFK.
He was awarded many honorary posts as a result so that he could feel as a high-ranking member of the Nazi party and was awarded reputation in his own country for the party and supported from abroad a figurehead with international reputation.[4] in 1933 he became a member of the Allgemeine SS, namely “supporting Member”.[5] July, 1933 he was appointed to the SA-Gruppenführer in the case of the Supreme SA leader and 1938 by Hitler promoted to SA Obergruppenführer. On December 1, 1933 appointed by the President to the President of the German Red Cross, and in January 1934 to the Reichskommissar of voluntary nursing. in 1933 he became Reich Commissioner for the automotive engineering and with the membership number 2230 honorary leader and 1935 the National Socialist drivers Corps NSKK Obergruppenführer. Further offices followed, such as 1933 Senator of the Kaiser Wilhelm society for the advancement of science, 1934 representative of the Reich Government abroad, 1935 President of the German-English society Berlin, 1936 member of Parliament and President of the Association of the German Front fighters associations as well as 1938 President of International Committee of former combatants. He was reportedly also the Director of the Anglo-German Fellowship. However, there are no sources that demonstrate this.[6] During the creation of the National Socialist flyers Corps in April 1937 was appointed the honorary leader of the German aircraft with the range of air kommodores as well as to the NSFK-Obergruppenführer.
Was Charles Edward, in the economy as a member of various supervisory boards and others since 1928 in the Wanderer Werke AG and Rhein metal-Borsig AG, in 1933 at the Deutscher ring Lebensversicherung AG, in 1934 at the Deutsche Bank and Discontogesellschaft, as well as central floor credit Deutsche and in 1938 as Chairman in the European goods and luggage insurance AG.
Because of his cosmopolitan experience, the Nazi represented Carl Eduard the DRC and also Germany especially compared to other countries. This includes 39 foreign trips and two world undertook from 1933 to 1944. Deputy President of the German Red Cross and Reichskommissar of voluntary nursing was Paul high iron Ernst-Robert Grawitz, starting in 1937.
In December 1935 he was elected society in London to the President of the German-English and in January 1936, he officially represented Germany at the funeral of the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland George. In the funeral procession, Charles Edward step in the sixth row behind the carriage with the coffin and wore a General’s uniform of the Wehrmacht, as well as a steel helmet M35 type.
Between February and June, 1940, Charles Edward took a second trip around the world, which led to the United States and back over the Soviet Union and Japan as President of DRC and Special Envoy of the Government. The job, unofficial visit of the United States had the guise of a humanitarian, charitable character and served but above all a positive representation of Germany. On March 18, 1940, he was received by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. To a journalist question whether the Jews in Poland with regard to the care and assistance of special treatment would be subjected to, he answered untruthfully, that the Red Cross knows no differences.[7] On the return journey was on April 30, 1940 by the Japanese Emperor Hirohito officially received Charles Edward. He brought in the congratulations of the German Reich on the 2600-jährigen anniversary of the Empire. On the way back he had a meeting in Moscow on 31 May 1940 [8] with Vyacheslav Molotov.
Due to a single licence which took account of his services and his loyalty to the NAZI regime, the leader Decree about the diversion of internationally-bound men of relevant posts in the Government, party and army from May 19, 1943 was no.
The “Imperial  service jointly borne by both organizations”, achieved the largest effect at times who resided in the in Essen of court in Essen. He held throughout the rich so-called “Parent training”, which were attended solely by 1934-1937 of 1.14 million women in 54,000 courses. This was the widespread book of **Johanna Haarer “The German mother and her first child”, an extreme example of kinderfeindlicher black education in the field of child education training base.
From 1935 to 1941, the series “Women’s culture in the German women” was published in the Leipzig Publisher Otto Beyer (Edition 1939: 23.500 copies).
Understanding of the role of the Nazi sister
The nurses of NS Sisterhood laid off analog their oath to the National Socialist understanding of welfare and the so-called “new German medicine” leader:
“I swear my Führer Adolf Hitler inalienable allegiance and obedience.” “I undertake, on each square, to which I will put faithfully and conscientiously to fulfil my responsibilities as a national socialist sister, so God help me in the sense of the Volksgemeinschaft {people’s community}.”
 BDA Bund Deutscher Arztinnen, League of Lady Doctors
als Ärztin  female doctors

The National Socialist German Doctors Association (NSDÄB, also: NSD Medical Association) was the professional and also third in addition to SA and SS military organisation of the Nazi party.
In 1926, the DAB has been member of the International Federation of University Women (IFUW). World of War II brought a strong disability his work for the Federal Government. in 1933, a law was passed, that the proportion of female students is limited to 10 percent. In protest, the entire DAB Board resigned in May 1933. in 1935, the DAB was subordinated to the German women work and broke up as a result itself.
Focusing primarily on those women doctors who were members of the Bund Deutscher Ärztinnen (League of German Female Physicians, BDÄ), this dissertation demonstrates that female physicians used primarily maternalist and to a lesser extent eugenic arguments to make a case for their presence in these medical spaces. This dissertation draws primarily on women doctors’ own interpretations of their work in the organization’s journal, Die Ärztin (The Female Physicians).
Female nurses told the ward nurses to kill the female patients, according to Robert Jay Lifton, The Nazi doctors. p. 100.
Käthe Böttger, Nazi Nursing leader.
More on Nazi nursing:
krankenpflege im nationalsocialistischen, from German wikipedia.

All larger sister associations who were self employed up to this point,  joined by no later than 1935 of the Reich student. Five major groups representing the main trends of nursing formed thus:
Professional community, consisting of secular, private and urban sisters,
acting Director: Sister Amalie Rau, at the same time German fachschaft Manager
Rector community, consisting of the sororities of Evangelical churches,
Director: sister Auguste Mohrmann
Catholic sister community in Germany, led by: Superior Emilie Hollstein
Red Cross sister community, led by: Superior General of Luise von Oertzen
Sister community of the NSV or the NS Sisterhood, led by: Erna Mach
 Michael H. Kater, Doctors under Hitler: p. 18
“In the spring of 1944, female doctors with children were strongly encouraged to join the heath services.”
Women were 17 percent of all lady doctors in Germany from 1936-45.

Read more:

Historian Kathrin Kompisch agrees: ‘The cliche of Gold Mother Cross-wearing women having 10 babies and baking bread was a myth. Women could and did advance themselves massively through the Third Reich.’

Some 3,200 women served in the concentration camps. Female guards were generally low-to-middle class and had little or no work experience, although SS records show some were matrons, hairdressers, tram conductors or retired teachers

Read more:


on hitler’s one ball theory
nazi women in the camp system: SS Gefolge
In the Nazi command structure, no female guard could ever give orders to a male one since, by design, the rank of SS-Helferin , acc to wikipedia
Anna Friederike Mathilde Klein  (Anne Klein), 1942−1944 Ravensbrück
acq due to ‘lack of evidence.’ Nazi guard.
other women in Nazi Germany:

HELENE BECHSTEIN, d. 1951 Wife of wealthy piano manufacturer Carl Bechstein, funded hitler

VALENTINA BILIEN, 15 years for euthanasia.
Hitler’s dietician Dione Lucas.
 “On page 89 of The Gourmet Cooking School Cookbook (1964), Dione Lucas, recalling her pre-World War II stint as a hotel chef in Hamburg, Germany, states: ‘I do not mean to spoil your appetites for stuffed squab, but you might be interested to know that it was a great favorite with Mr. Hitler, who dined at the hotel often. Let us not hold that against a fine recipe though.'”[17]


Conscripted into the Luftwaffe in 1939 and owing to her secretarial skills became personal secretary to Reich Marshal Göring for a period of five weeks during the closing stages of the war. She knew at that time that Göring’s art treasures were stolen but was afraid to talk to anybody about it. While at Berchtesgaden she was issued with a pistol and a cyanide pill with instructions to shoot as many Russians as possible before taking the poison pill. (It was believed that the Red Army would reach Berchtesgaden before the Americans). Placed under house arrest by the Gestapo when they came to arrest Göring, she was then arrested again when the Americans arrived. All her belongings were taken from her and placed in a heap, doused with petrol and set alight. She was then interned in a POW camp for the next ten days from which, with the help of an American guard, she escaped and started out on the long walk of around 1,000 kms to her home on the shores of the Baltic Sea, a journey which took her seven weeks. Some years after the war, Lucie Wolf emigrated to Australia and became an Australian citizen.


There was little doubt what the solution was: “Heydrich also made it clear what was understood by the phrase ‘Final Solution’: the Jews were to be annihilated by a combination of forced labour and mass murder.” from wikipedia, “The Holocaust.” 127


In Order #24 of November 24, 1941, the commander of the 707th division declared:

Jews and Gypsies:…As already has been ordered, the Jews have to vanish from the flat country and the Gypsies have to be annihilated too. The carrying out of larger Jewish actions is not the task of the divisional units. They are carried out by civilian or police authorities, if necessary ordered by the commandant of White Ruthenia, if he has special units at his disposal, or for security reasons and in the case of collective punishments. When smaller or larger groups of Jews are met in the flat country, they can be liquidated by divisional units or be massed in the ghettos near bigger villages designated for that purpose, where they can be handed over to the civilian authority or the SD.[111]

       Around 10-12 August 1941, Hitler gave the Fundamental Order (Führerbefehl) for the extermination of entire populations in the Eastern territories.

In May, 1944, Himmler claimed in a speech that “The Jewish question in Germany and the occupied countries has been solved.” wikipedia, Holocaust.

  Hitler’s ultimatum to Horthy read:

“The Führer expects that the Hungarian Government will take measures against the Budapest Jewry without any further delay…[and would not tolerate anything] that could or would weaken their fighting spirit or that could possibly stab the fighting soldiers in the back.”

Friedrich-Georg Eberhardt (15 January 1892 – 9 September 1964) was a Generalleutnant in the Wehrmacht during World War II. He was a recipient of the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross. Friedrich-Georg Eberhardt was taken prisoner in May 1945 and was released in 1947.
The most notorious massacre of Jews in the Soviet Union was at a ravine called Babi Yar outside Kiev, where 33,771 Jews were killed in a single operation on September 29–30, 1941. The killing of all the Jews in Kiev was decided on by the military governor (Major-General Friedrich Eberhardt), the Police Commander for Army Group South (SS-Obergruppenführer Friedrich Jeckeln) and the Einsatzgruppe C Commander Otto Rasch. The killings were carried out by a mixture of SS, SD and Security Police, assisted by Ukrainian police. In addition, men of the 6th Army through they not did participate in the killings, played a key role in rounding up the Jews of Kiev and transporting them to be shot at Babi Yar.[116]
Waldemar Klingelhöfer (born 4 April 1900, Moscow); died about 1980) was an SS-Sturmbannführer (Major) and convicted war criminal. Free from 1956 to 1980. Fuehrerbefehl:
Klingelhöfer stated several times during his testimony that he was morally opposed to the FührerOrder, the court found that he went along quite willingly with it. Klingelhöfer was unrepentant about the necessity for the war:

Before leaving the witness stand he stated that he would have been happy for Hitler to win the war even at the expense of its present condition with two million Germans killed, the nation in utter ruins, and all of Europe devastated. This statement has no bearing, of course, on the question of his guilt under counts one and two, but it is helpful in determining the state of mind as to whether he obeyed the so-called superior orders with a full heart or not. The Tribunal finds from all the evidence that the defendant accepted the Führer Order without reservation and that he executed it without truce.[1]

 Franz Albrecht Medicus (Born 18 December 1890 in Strasbourg; died 5 July 1967 in Wiesbaden) was a German jurist.
complicit? Hans Josef Maria Globke (play /ɡlbki/ GLŌB-kē; German: Globke; 10 September 1898, Düsseldorf, Rhine Province – 13 February 1973) was a high ranking public servant after World War II in the Federal Republic of Germany. His role as a civil servant in Nazi Germany resulted in controversies after the war. He wrote a legal commentary on the new Reich Citizenship Law, one of the Nuremberg Laws introduced at the Nazi Party Congress in September 1935, which revoked the citizenship of German Jews [1][2] and co-authored various legal regulations, such as an ordinance that required Jews with non-Jewish names to take on the additional first names of Israel or Sara.[3] He also served as chief legal advisor in the Office for Jewish Affairs in the Ministry of Interior, the section headed by Adolf Eichmann that implemented the Holocaust bureaucratically.[4]

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