More Nazis IV

Franz Xaver Dorsch 1.5.43 b 24.12.99 died 8.11.1986.
a higher up in the Reich

Helmut Bischoff (* March 1 1908 in Glogau ; † January 5 1993 in Hamburg ) was in the National Socialist German Reich SS Lieutenant Colonel (1943) and senior executive officer , head of several state police agencies, leaders of the task force an the use of Group IV in German-occupied Poland and Defense Officer the construction of V2 rockets in the Mittelbau-Dora .

Fritz Darges (* February 8 1913 in Dülseberg , Altmark , † October 25th 2009 in Celle ) was an SS Lieutenant Colonel and at times personal adjutant of Adolf Hitler .­emale_guards_in_Nazi_concentra­tion_camps
Aufseherrin (Female Guards)

Walter Neff (* 22. Februar 1909 in Westheim; † 31. August 1960 in München) war deutscher Funktionshäftling und Oberpfleger im KZ Dachau. Neff war führend am Dachauer Aufstand vom 28. April 1945 beteiligt.

Martha Pauline Haake (* 19. Mai 1915 in Frankfurt (Oder); † unbekannt)
3 years, freed.

Elizabeth Krzok on 3 February 1951 for good behavior early release from prison

On 3 February 1947 was sentenced to ten years imprisonment Margaret Mewes. Mewes was initially detained in the prison-Fuhlsbüttel Hamburg, and from October 1948 in the prison Werl. Mewes was on 26 February 1952 because of “good behavior” release. Mewes first moved to the area of Hamelin and thereafter Körbecke, where she found a job as a waitress. She married in August 1968 and died after an unremarkable life in late 1998 [1].

Dr Hans Klein was appointed professor at the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg and died in 1984. Assisted Dr. Heissmeyer.
source: wiki de, Bullenhuserdamm

Fritz Klein had been involved in numerous attacks on Jews and other groups, only the case in 1952 against the jury Creglinger Ellwangen was reopened, since the other cases were barred. (d. 1963)­orst_Klein
another nazi who got away with it.­/31/world/ex-corporal-in-ss-ac­quitted-in-2-murders-in-world-­war-ii.html
Walther Kummel, one of the nazis involved in crimes listed below.

On December 12, 1983, the Hamburg public prosecutor filed charges against Strippel for the murders of the children at Bullenhusen Damm, and 22 Neuengamme inmates. After three years of additional legal wrangling, Strippel was deemed unfit to stand trial. He disappeared from public view and is believed to have died in Frankfurt-Kalbach, about 1995.

It’s hard to believe, but this female Nazi never was really punished.

On December 20, 1945, [Joanna] Johanna Langefeld was arrested by the U.S. Army, and in September 1946, she was extradited to the Polish judiciary preparing a trial in Kraków against SS personnel in Auschwitz. On December 23, 1946, Johanna Langefeld escaped from prison and hid in a cloister, working in a private home. Sometime around 1957, she returned illegally to live with her sister in Munich. She died in Augsburg, Germany on January 26, 1974, at the age of 73.­69318?tag=holocaust-20&camp=14­573&creative=327641&linkCode=a­s1&creativeASIN=0140169318&adi­d=1BAAR9MPT4C9PEDN3MWK&
book, Children of the Flames, by Lagnado and Dekel.

Karl Burmester (born October 17, 1911; † after 1976) was a German SS officer and civil servant.

Werner Alfred Wenn, Himmler’s asst.[ dead?]

Artur Axmann alias Eric Siewert (* February 18 1913 in Hagen / Westphalia, † October 24th 1996 in Berlin ) was a Nazi official and Reich Youth Leader in the era of National Socialism.

This proves that Arthur Axmann, Karl Doenitz and E. Milch were present at Himmler’s conference, as was Speer. They all knew about the Genocide.
Willi Schatz (* February 1 1902 in Hannover , † February 17 1985 ibid) was a German dentist and in the concentration camps Auschwitz and Neuengamme dentist working as a warehouse.

Gerhard Neubert (* June 12 1909 in Johann George Town , † December 5 1993 in Diepholz ) was SS Sergeant and as a medical orderly in the Auschwitz III Monowitz used. 3 years?

Schobert, Johann. acquitted. Fate, unknown.

On May 29, 1949, a law was passed prohibiting the extradition of German nationals. Consequently, scores of Nazis who committed their crimes in other countries were never handed over to these nations. The German judiciary only initiated action against Nazi war criminals in rare cases.

All those who committed offences during the Nazi regime and had subsequently received a sentence of less than a year were granted amnesty. In 1954, this was extended to all those with sentences of up to three years. It meant that anyone not implicated in major crimes simply went free. In addition, offences like the “concealment of a person’s rank for political reasons” were granted amnesty. These measures made it easier for many of the main criminals to go into hiding. [1]

“In the meantime, the western allies experienced a case of ‘clemency fever.’ As a prosecutor from Nuremberg, Robert Kempner, later observed, almost all of his sentenced Nazi criminals were pardoned.... [I]n 1953 most of them found themselves free men and the last one was released in 1958.” [2]
Hans Globke, who had only recently served as state secretary in the German chancellor’s office in Bonn, was the co-author of a 1936 commentary on the Nuremberg race laws. It served as a basic manual for judges, concentration camp guards and Wehrmacht officers, explaining how Jews, Sinti, and Gypsies—these “foreign species”—should be dealt with. Neither Globke nor any of the judges who sentenced Jews and others regarded as “untermenschen” (subhumans) to death or other draconian punishments, ever faced court.
One of the first laws passed in the new Federal Republic of Germany was the so-called exemption from punishment law. Following the half-hearted “denazification” program, almost the entire middle and upper strata of the National Socialists’ apparatus of annihilation were integrated back into the justice system and government administration.

In 1960, after the Bundestag had repealed all decrees issued by the allied forces during the 1950s, the German parliament dropped prosecutions for Nazi crimes and killings apart from provable acts of murder.
a few camp personnel:
Werner Dubois (* 26. Februar 1913 in Wuppertal; † 22. Oktober 1971 in Münster )
In Sobibor process Dubois was eventually convicted in 1966 for complicity in murder of Community at least 15,000 people to three years in prison. Dubois died in 1971 in Münster.

Kurt Knittel (23. September 1910 in Karlsruhe)
a schoolteacher in civilian life and an Unterscharfuehrer SS during the war, organized the cultural program at Auschwitz. In October 1941, he was appointed head of the department responsible for the ideological indoctrination of the camp personnel. Klee lists numerous cultural events held in Auschwitz and contrasts them with the crimes being committed in the camp at the same time.
*They let him go free!! He went back into teaching and music.
“A beautiful career,” Klee concludes, “for the man who had been in charge of culture at the Auschwitz death camp.”

Joachim Caesar, (* 30. Mai 1901 in Boppard; † 25. Januar 1974 in Kiel)

Dr. Lothar Rendulic
23 November 1887 — 18 January 1971 (aged 83)
Place of death Eferding, Austria

Fritz Katzmann (1906-1957) was a high-ranking SS officer, holding the final rank of Gruppenführer. He was responsible for many of the Holocaust atrocities in District Galicia. He managed to escape prosecution after the Second World War.

Dr Emil Kaschub [1], according to other sources Kaschub Heinz [2], (born April 3, 1919 in Mensguth; † May 4, 1977) was a German surgeon who on behalf of the armed forces in a concentration camp Auschwitz undertook experiments on prisoners for the detection of malingerers.

Hans Heinrich Lammers (* May 27th 1879 in Lublinitz / Upper Silesia , † January 4th 1962 in Dusseldorf ) was a German jurist and during the period of National Socialism, head of the Reich Chancellery.3 years

Richard Walther Darre (born Ricardo Oscar Darré Walther, and Richard Walter Darre, * July 14 1895 in Belgrano , Buenos Aires , Argentina , † September 5th 1953 in Munich ) was a German politician during the era of National Socialism . Agronomy. Freed, 1950.

Early Nazis (better off forgotten?):
Ernst Rohm d. 1934. SA man murdered on Hitler’s orders. His grave in Munich is a place of worship for the extreme right.

Ernst Franz Sedgwick („Putzi“) Hanfstaengl (* 2. Februar 1887 in München; † 6. November 1975 As a member of the Munich Hanfstaengl upper class used his contacts to present Hitler supporters financially strong. Through fundraising Hanfstaengl also contributed with help of the NSDAP the purchase of the VB’s to allow a party newspaper. In November 1923 Hanfstaengl was on Hitler coup involved the failed attempt by the Nazi Party, by coup of Bavaria from power in the German Reich to take over. While Hanfstaengl to Salzburg flew, Hitler appeared in Hanfstaengl country house in the Uffing Staffelsee under. A few days later he was there arrested by the Bavarian police. After Hanfstaengl report to his wife Helen, nee Niemeyer, Hitler have prevented the impending arrest to be shot in the face of.

During Hitler’s imprisonment in Landsberg am Lech and after his release Hanfstaengl kept in close contact to the leader of the Nazi Party. 1931 Hanfstaengl, due to its foreign language skills and his connections abroad, from Hitler to the foreign press chief of the Nazi Party appointed in particular. In this capacity, he also tried in March 1932 a meeting between Hitler and the British statesman Winston Churchill – with his son Randolph Churchill Hanfstaengl was friends – in the way to lead in Munich. The meeting came at the whim of Hitler but is not concluded, because who preferred to opt for a trip to Nuremberg to rest. In the next few years Hanfstaengl used his connections to Hitler abroad to improve the image. In addition to his official position, Hitler was a big part of his influence on his friendship with due, which it enjoyed, “Putzi” Hanfstaengl listen to piano playing.
He lost favor with Goebbels, and fled to UK, 1937.
more :
Franz-Werner Jaenke (Jaenicke)
d. 1943 . early SA member.

Franz Pfeffer von Salomon (February 19, 1888 in Düsseldorf – April 12, 1968 in Munich) was the first commander of the SA after its 1925 restoration, which followed its temporary abolition in 1923 after the abortive Beer Hall Putsch.
Emil Maurice, d. 1972. SS Mann # 2. Murdered a priest who helped edit “Mein Kampf.”


Q : Does Siemens acknowledge publicly its role in utilizing slave labor in Auschwitz Birkenau-Monowitz?

3 Responses to “More Nazis IV”

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